Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Three Years and Counting

I'd like to make my second shout out to darling husband. Happy third anniversary! We rock :)


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's official people! OTH is coming back next season! They're being given one more chance! Or maybe they just didn't have enough time at the end of last season to write in a good ending. I know I personally was appalled by the season finally! I mean there was talk for weeks about Chad Michael Murray leaving and then they just ended the final episode with Lucas and Peyton driving off in to the sunset with the little love child in the back of the car. What kind of ending is that??

I don't know why I didn't think to look at the fall schedule until now but it hit me literally while I was washing my hands and caught a glimpse of my hair in the mirror and had the sudden thought...

Hey! I wonder what Sophia Bush's hair is going to look like this fall. She
always has such a great color!

I know... I need a social life... I guess I'm still a little bummed about the hair coloring incident ;) And to be honest, this is my only vice. I don't play in to the reality tv thing. I could care less about trashy talk shows and ridiculous teen pregnancy shows on MTV. I love One Tree Hill. That's it. I'm not even ashamed to say that I work my school schedule around it's air time. I won't even DVR it! I need it live.

According to an industry insider:

...One Tree Hill — whose writing team includes former DVD Verdict staffer Terry Coli — looks to be on its last legs, jettisoning lead Chad Michael Murray for Season 7. But rest assured the network will nurture another similar series to take its place.

EEK! That means one thing people. We need to ban together (all four of my blog followers!) and start supporting OTH so they don't get ousted! They need us! The season premier is Monday September 14th. Hold the date!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Humor of the Day

Let me just preface this by saying that I don't have much free time so when I do... I don't know what to do with myself....

Friday afternoon I found myself, once again, a golf widow. I had a rough week so I wasn't at all interested in kicking off the hours upon hours of homework I had in store for the weekend.

Between the hours of 3:30 and 5:00 I got my car washed, oil and filters changed, picked up toiletries at Walgreen's, ate the leftover mac & cheese darling husband left in the fridge and dyed my hair (if you know me, you know I don't have much luck with hair experimentation in the length and color departments).

By 5:00 I had managed to completed destroy my bathroom as well as half of our towels. Was my hair the beautiful light brown with caramel highlights that I was expecting? No! If I hadn't been the one pouring the smelly purple stuff on my scalp (and all over the myself and my plush white Restoration Hardware perfect sized towels), I wouldn't have even known I dyed it! My hair is exactly the same color it was during the car wash, oil change, run to Walgreen's and mac & cheese feast! Waste of an afternoon or was God's beauty consultant watching out over me?

The Art of Getting What You Want Continued...

My darling husband of 3 years (as of Wednesday!) bought me a DYSON VACUUM! I know at least a little bit of me should have been mad but how can I be mad? I want to be the next nice Martha Stewart! I obviously get really excited about the thought of a new high tech vacuum! The Container Store is like a candy store for me. I'd take a trip to Home Goods over Bloomingdale's any day of the week. I have easily more than half of Williams-Sonoma's catalogue in my kitchen. No joke. Our last move was a pain in the butt purely because of the amount of kitchen stuff and large furniture (my other weakness!) that we own. I know my "I'm a Mom, not a housewife" mother would roll her eyes at me for this post but I can't help it! (hi mom!)
Moral of the story... ask for what you really want, wait a few weeks and then ask for something even bigger. The first request seems like nothing then!
Did I not mention that I had been hitting darling husband up for a Dyson for a month before pushing the hard sell for a cleaning lady? :) I still really want the cleaning lady but I'll play nice for now. After all... current usage of the Dyson: darling husband 2, me zero!

The Art of Getting What You Want

I've been meaning to blog about this for a few weeks now but have been distracted with life. Time to get back to the blogging world!
So late one Saturday evening after a glass of wine or two I decided to try selling my darling husband on getting a cleaning lady. If you're wondering why on earth a twenty-something without kids needs a cleaning lady, take a look at my bio. I'm a busy girl. Anyways, I try to sell the hubs on having a cleaning service come once a month and I'm thinking...

Hey! I can handle the vacuuming weekly, cleaning up after we use the kitchen, ect, but I don't have the time (or the patience for that matter!) to dust, mop, clean the showers... blah blah blah. PLUS! I have allergies and really shouldn't be doing things like crawling behind our bed to dust the headboard. Plus, I'm a working girl! What happened to an equal partnership?

Unfortunately I mis-judged how great my selling points would stick with my "fiscally conservative" husband. Looking back, I should have put together a cost-benefit analysis... (ha!) he would have reacted well to that. Anyways, I did what any other girl would do that doesn't get her way... I pouted and went to sleep with nothing more than a promise that he'll help with the weekly chores.

The next day while I was busily working on Finance homework, my darling husband walked in the front door with an early birthday present for me (2 months early). I'll just let you marinade on this for a while. Any guesses on what the gift was?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Rest in peace

I was reminded today of how incredibly delicate truly really is. A dear friend, Ian Lauder, has passed away. To be honest, I don't know what to say because I don't know what to think. I guess I'm numb. Ian was what you could call a risk taker. He was happiest with his family, friends and on his motorcycle... the latter of which is where he took his last breath. Ian was an eternal optimist. His smile, loud laugh and even louder presence were enough to light up the rocky beaches of Georgian Bay in the deepest of night after you've spent the last six hours downing his "special" drinks and singing karaoke at the top of your lunges. Ian had a way of making a night in, a night to remember... or not remember, depending on how many of those drinks he passed your way. Ian always greeted friends with open arms and a tight squeeze... probably to show off his bulging biceps, but comforting none the less.

Years ago my then boyfriend, now husband, and I were in a pretty serious boat crash. To make a long and dramatic story short, my sister Alley and Ian Lauder were with us during the crash. Alley was sitting in a direct line to the motor which post-accident, was still running while the boat was launched 90 degrees in the air on a large rock. Had Ian not been sitting next to Alley and had reflexes like a cat (seriously!), she would have flown right in to that motor. I don't even want to think about the damage it could have done to her. To this day, Alley swears that Ian is her "hero". I pray he's now her guardian angle.

Rest in peace my friend. You will forever remain in our hearts. The cottage will never be the same.


Ian Lauder
5.27.82 -7.29.09

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hip hip horray, MMEW has completed the bar!

I'd like to make a little shout out to my dearest darlingest friend Mary Molly Eileen Wilson as she completed the Massachusetts Bar exam today! Congrats lady! You rock my world!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Self Profiling Assignment

I guess it really says something about how ginormous the internet is when the only hits I get against all combinations of my formal name, maiden name, nick name, middle name and last name are my facebook profile, outdated linked-in profile and old high school swim meet results. There were gobs of way more interesting people popping up such as doctors (both my maiden and married names!), none of which had a negative stigma attached to them. I find my lack of presence online amazing seeing as I spend 95% of my workday and potentially another 20% of my personal time in front of a computer. I'm obviously not making a huge impression on the www community which makes sense since this is the very first blog I've ever written. That's right, I'm a blogging virgin!
I must admit that it took me quite a few attempts before I was able to actually get this blog up and running. The initial setup was a piece of cake! The content on the other hand proved to be more challenging. I didn't want to just throw a blog out there about nothing. The internet has enough junk out there, I don't need to add to it. I wanted to create something that could be an ongoing personal project, an outlet of sorts, where I could blog about issues that are important to me, hobbies I don't have time for since I'm going to night school four days a week for my mba all the while working in a competitive corporate environment, my jokester of a husband that I spend far less time with than I'd like, my furry dark haired 85 pound child Coalby, the limbo-land I find myself in during my mid-twenties.... you get the point. Alas, I've found my voice and started blogging. I hope my future readers find my future blogs as entertaining as I know I will. Before you know it I'll have more hits on google than those doctor name stealers!