Monday, August 10, 2009

The Art of Getting What You Want

I've been meaning to blog about this for a few weeks now but have been distracted with life. Time to get back to the blogging world!
So late one Saturday evening after a glass of wine or two I decided to try selling my darling husband on getting a cleaning lady. If you're wondering why on earth a twenty-something without kids needs a cleaning lady, take a look at my bio. I'm a busy girl. Anyways, I try to sell the hubs on having a cleaning service come once a month and I'm thinking...

Hey! I can handle the vacuuming weekly, cleaning up after we use the kitchen, ect, but I don't have the time (or the patience for that matter!) to dust, mop, clean the showers... blah blah blah. PLUS! I have allergies and really shouldn't be doing things like crawling behind our bed to dust the headboard. Plus, I'm a working girl! What happened to an equal partnership?

Unfortunately I mis-judged how great my selling points would stick with my "fiscally conservative" husband. Looking back, I should have put together a cost-benefit analysis... (ha!) he would have reacted well to that. Anyways, I did what any other girl would do that doesn't get her way... I pouted and went to sleep with nothing more than a promise that he'll help with the weekly chores.

The next day while I was busily working on Finance homework, my darling husband walked in the front door with an early birthday present for me (2 months early). I'll just let you marinade on this for a while. Any guesses on what the gift was?

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